New: Catch-All function for unknown recipients from domain-wide POP3 mailboxes
Normally, the Exchange Server will return an NDR (non-delivery report) to the sender of every email directed to an address that is not defined in the Active Directory. If you do not want this, use this new POPcon option to have POPcon check the AD for every recipient and substituting a postmaster address for the recipients that can not be found in the AD.
Not available in Windows NT 4.0 installations!
New: POP3 over SSL
POPcon v3.00 now supports SSL connections to POP3 servers. Use this options to connect to certain POP3 servers (i.e. GMail) that only support encrypted transfers.
Improved: Support for additional mail headers
The new version checks more mail headers than ever for the best compatitbility with the widest range of POP3 servers and setups: X-REAL-TO, X-ORIGINAL-TO, X-RECIPIENT, X-TO, X-LYRIS and X-APARENTLY-TO are now added to the list of headers processed in POPcon. You can even configure which of the headers should be enabled on the "Advanced" configuration page.
Improved: POPcon skips ahead to the next POP3 servers in it's list if a POP3 server is not reachable or any other error occurs with it.
Improved: Antispam function
- POPcon now notes which entry in the user-defined black- or whitelist caused a mail to be tagged spam or not spam.
- Blacklist servers now are verified to be working before they are used.
- Blacklist checking for a particular email is stopped if it already is found to be spam..
- IP is no longer blacklist-checked.
- Spam-IP search now is restricted to the header of an email.
Improved: You can now use regular expressions instead of fixed strings in the "Advanced" function "Remove string from start/end of email addresses".
Bugfix: Mail from some servers ( was under some circumstances identified to came from in POPcon.
Bugfix: PRO-version rules-engine problems with the "only check if mail smaller than" function wer solved.