Improved: Handling of Exchange dropping connection - "Mail transfer to Exchange failed, reason: Connection was unexpectedly closed"
The new version improved handling of situations where the Exchange Server drops the SMTP connection due to SPAM, recipient or sender filter activated.
New: Added handling of several previously unknown SMTP error codes from Exchange when the transmitted email is not accepted:
"421 4.1.0 Dropping connection due to an error on this server" - happens when an email with a special problem in the header arrives.
"550 5.7.1 Blocked by..." - Antispam
"550 5.7.1 Sender ID (PRA) Not Permitted" - Antispam, Sender-ID check failed
"550 5.7.1. Rejected" - clearswift support
"553 5.1.8 <recipient>... Domain of sender address ... does not exist" - clearswift support
"554 5.7.1 Message cannot be accepted, spam rejection" - merak, antispam
"550 5.7.1 Mail to big" - unknown source
Bugfix: Problem with handling email lines without proper EOL characters
Fixed problem that could occur with TYPO3 and other formmailers
Bugfix: Multiple active rule for same trigger problem
Fixed a problem causing only one rule of multiple active rules on the same trigger to fire.