
Outlook Change FROM Add-in: Servolutions ChangeSender

ChangeSender Outlook change FROM Add-in adds one important piece of functionality to Microsoft Outlook when used with Exchange Server: It allows you to change the FROM address using any of your email addresses or even group addresses or those of other users if allowed by the administrator. Effectively this is the Exchange Send-as function without the limitations of the ActiveDirectory

Without the ChangeSender Outlook change FROM components, Exchange always sends out emails on your default email address fixed in the ActiveDirectory even when answering emails received on one of your additional email addresses. Also, Exchange does not allow sharing the same email address (i.e. department-wide or company-wide email addresses) between users. ChangeSender solves both problems by adding a configurable "send as" selection box to your Outlook email form.

ChangeSender Features

Outlook change FROM Add-in screenshot
ChangeSender in Outlook 2007 screenshot


Download the free 30-day trial version of ChangeSender and test the full product without any restrictions until you are sure it meets all your requirements. Then just order license codes to remove the 30 day limit without re-installing.

ChangeSender consists of two separate components: A server component to be installed on the Exchange server and a Microsoft Outlook add-in component that is needed for each client. The Outlook add-in does not work without the server component installed as well.

Server component:

Download Outlook change FROM server component, Exchange 2000, 2003 version Install this on the Exchange Server (this version for Exchange 2000 or 2003)

Download Outlook change FROM server component, Exchange 2007, 2010 version Install this on the Exchange Server (this version for Exchange 2007 or 2010)

Client component / Outlook add-in:

Download Outlook change FROM add-in Install this on each user's system.


You can license ChangeSender Exchange Send-as online and will receive the license codes by email in just minutes.

Technical Support

Email and phone support is included with all our products. Just email us if you have a question, suggestion, praise or criticism. We take pride in providing reliable responsive support to all our customers. Email to Support


Read these frequently asked questions and answers for fast hints:

Exchange Send-As: ChangeSender installed correctly but the sender address appears unchanged

Exchange Send-As: How can I restrict my users choices for the Send-As address?

Exchange Send-As: How can I use the same sender address for two Exchange mailboxes?

Exchange Send-As: How can I disable the Add-in for all users by default?

Full text of all FAQ articles in one compact HTML file: Knowledge Base

A ChangeSender Client/Outlook Add-in license grants unlimited usage of the Outlook Add-in on one computer and also includes all updates to the software for one year after the purchase date. There are no recurring charges.