
How can I transfer my POPcon configuration settings to my new server without retyping it all?

POPcon v4.x

In version 4 and later, POPcon stores the configuration in the file popcon.config and the list of already downloaded emails (for mailboxes set to leave emails on the server) is stored in the files UIDS_xxxxxxxx.dat

To copy the configuration to a new server, please proceed like this:

Older POPcon versions up to v3.9x

You can do this using the registry editor since POPcon's configuration information is stored in the registry:

Export the key KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/POPcon and /POPcon PRO as well as their subkeys into a .reg file using the EXPORT function of the REGEDIT application.

Then copy the .reg file to the target machine. Make sure the POPcon service is not already running (or if it is stop it using the control panel / services applet). Then double-click on the .reg file on the target machine to automatically add all the entries to the registry.

If you have POPcon leaving email on the POP3 servers you also need to copy POPcon's database of already downloaded emails to keep POPcon from downloading all the old emails again on the new server: Copy the msguids.tmp file from the C:\Program Files\POPcon folder in the old machine to the new machine.

Restart the POPcon service and check the configuration using POPconAdmin.

If you move POPcon from a 32bit to a 64bit machine you need to change the registry paths in the .reg file before importing. In 64bit Windows installations the configuration is stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Wow6432Node/POPcon instead KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/POPcon. If you want to transfer the configuration from a 32bit installation to a 64bit installation you need to modify the .reg file with a text editor and replace the /Software/POPcon strings throughout that file with /Software/Wow6432Node/POPcon before importing the file on the 64bit machine.

As a last step please open the configuration with POPconAdmin and check that everything is imported correctly. Then go to the ADVANCED configuration page and switch the local IP address to be used for connections both to Exchange and the POP3 servers to "Default" in case they are still configured to be the IP addresses of the old server. This setting can be found at the bottom of the ADVANCED configuration page